Today cinema leads high position on the media in the world .Each and every day lot of changes should be innovated by cinema organ. The main reason for development of cinema is today’s youth because they will spend lot of money for watching cinema.
So, the producers also spent lots of money for director for their film at the same time the new director are taking film with low expenses also they will taking film by using actor and actress . Some time the new director’s film should get success run in theaters, sometimes it should be failed.
Once the new director film should get success means the producers are ready to invest high amount of money because the producers know very well to get profit by using director’s name and actor name. If one director direct the film by used famous director and actor and musician, the producer thing surly it will succeed in the film market, so they spent large amount of money for that film.
Today’s youths are highly interested in hearing songs, they will think if the songs are good the film also good is the today youths thinking, by using this the director takes the film by using famous singer and relic the song before the film by this they get earning also get peoples thought about the film.
In the film comedy is also take important part for the success of film suppose if the film is not well but the comedy fine means it will reach high position in film market. In the 100% of the youth 15% will watch all the film, and 50% will watch film for director and for actor name, 20% will watch for music, 10% will watch for actress and remaining 5% will never watch the film in theater but they watch in television.
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